We're Making Changes

We are excited to share that we are making some changes

As some of you may know I was diagnosed with Invasive Breast Cancer in Nov 2022, what the medical professionals  thought would take 6-8 weeks to conquer ended up taking 12 months to battle with the deluxe package of treatments: mastectomy, 5 months of chemotherapy, and 15 rounds of radiation.  

Today I’m doing well, and I’m learning to live with the side effects of treatment and the massive changes in my life over the past year.  

So we’ve made some temporary changes...

As a family we’ve made the call to take a sabbatical from the day to day running of a busy business to take  time to heal and spend time together as a family.

We still love what we do, and we’ll be creating content around NZ. So for national work feel free to connect with nicky@grundyproductions.co.nz.

For Hawke's Bay based video production we've partnered with Belinda and the team from 'The Story Co' who are working alongside Grundy in helping tell our clients' important stories. So feel free to reach out to Belinda Innes: video@grundyproductions.co.nz.